Motivation: Are We Doing It Right?

2 min readOct 31, 2020

The short answer is no

By: Didi Cooper

I recently wrote an educational blog post about how we often misinterpret unmotivated behavior in students as being lazy, when in reality they are NOT unmotivated. Research is plentiful on motivation and The Center on the Developing Child at Harvard explains that dopamine and serotonin pathways trigger regions of the brain in such a way that repeated experiences result in thoughts and behaviors. So, unpleasant, unsuccessful experiences, result in avoidance behaviors. However, powerful positive associations build self- esteem and create memories that result in “feel good” actions, that create a culture of success and motivation.

Fascinating way to look at academic behaviors in kids, right? And as I continued to write recommendations for parents and educators, I had a light bulb moment. Are we as adults applying these recommendations ourselves to tap into our most productive and motivated selves? Probably not.




Writer, ghostwriter, and dreamer, living on the coast of Maine. Author of the children’s book, Before You Were Ours and the novel, The Magic of Missing You.